The UBORA educational model, hybridizing project-based learning and service learning, presented at the 2019 International CDIO Conference
Prof. Luis Ignacio Ballesteros Sánchez from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and UBORA professor and mentor has attended the 2019 International CDIO Conference in Aarhus, Denmark, for presenting the UBORA educational model. Devices developed following needs proposed by ASPADIR foundation, by members of the Spanish Transplants Organization and by hospitals and primary care units of the Madrid region have been presented as case studies. Such devices have been developed by UPM students within courses on “Bioengineering Design” (MSc in Industrial Engineering) and “MedTech” (MSc in Industrial Organization), in which the UBORA educational model, hybridizing project-based learning and service learning is applied. The UBORA e-infrastructure has been used for guiding such developments.

The CDIO™ Initiative is an innovative educational framework for training the next generation of engineers. The framework provides students with an education stressing engineering fundamentals set in the context of “Conceiving – Designing – Implementing – Operating” (CDIO) real-world systems and products. To date, more than 150 of the best engineering schools worldwide, including UBORA partners UPM and KTH, take active part in this initiative aimed at “reinventing engineering education”. The UBORA educational model is among the most relevant examples of CDIO-related strategies applied to biomedical engineering education. The UBORA team has been present in the 2017, 2018 and 2019 CDIO Conferences.