We are glad to announce the winners of the UBORA Design Competition 2020. We received a total of 28 applications from Europe, Africa and North America, involving more than 100 developers.

The first 4 projects will be awarded in a special session during the BootCamp on COVID-19, organized by UNECA, UNESCO, and the South Africa DSI, where they will have the opportunity to present their projects, in a 5 minutes pitch.
The session will be held on ZOOM at 16:00 EAT (click for the link, no password is required)
Thanks to the support of Protocol Labs, we will be able to support projects up to the 10th position, in the actual implementation of their projects.
Here the final table for the top-10 projects:
We finally would like to thank all the participants, for their efforts, their enthusiasms and the brilliant idea they shared with the worldwide community