Health is a fundamental aspect of quality of life, as it indirectly has effects on the capacity to produce and consume goods and services. Technology plays a fundamental role in improving the quality of health, being the fulcrum of an effective healthcare system. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States, clearly emphasizes the impact of the lack of appropriate medical devices on health conditions.
The UBORA team gave its contribution to the discussions during the 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, organized by the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society organizes, which was held in Berlin, Germany from July 23–27, 2019.
The paper “Co-design open-source medical devices: how to minimize the human error using UBORA e-infrastructure” was presented by Licia Di Pietro during the session of “Point of care – Global challenges”. The presentation is available at the following link: EMBC presentation.