Licia Di Pietro


Licia Di Pietro is currently a PhD Biomedical Engineering Student at Research Centre E. Piaggio of University of Pisa, Italy. She received the Bachelor and Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering from University of Pisa, Italy, in 2014 and 2017, respectively. In 2016 she has enrolled an Erasmus for Traineeship program at Hilditch Group at Malmesbury, England, working on her Master Thesis project entitled “Different approaches to improve healthcare in Africa through Biomedical Engineering”. During this period, she spent one month in Kampala, Uganda, working as volunteer with Amalthea Trust Foundation, to help provide for the sustainable maintenance of medical equipment through the provision of training programs for the recipients, including test equipment and workshop facilities. Her research interest includes Global Health with particular attention to developing countries. She is working on manufacturing of open-source and low cost medical devices, compliant with the International standards to assure the safety, quality and performance of medical devices.