Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) is the oldest and largest Spanish technical university, with more than 4.000 faculty members, around 38.000 undergraduate students and 6.000 postgraduates in 21 Schools of study. UPM benefits from the heritage of its Schools: the most ancient ones founded in the 18th Century. Nowadays UPM’s Schools cover most of engineering disciplines, as well as Architecture and Computer Science. Moreover, UPM, as a top quality academic establishment, has a strong commitment to R&D and Innovation, boasting over 225 Research Units and over 10 Research Institutes and Technological Centres, contributing significantly to the international scientific community with high number of journal papers, conference communications and PhD theses.

UPM staff has large experience in research projects participation, both at national and international level. The presence of UPM in the international R&D arena is ensured by its consistent participation in various EU programmes. As UPM participation in the 7th Framework Programme is concerned, the University has taken part in more than 150 European R&D projects with more than 40M€ of funding received from the European Commission. The UPM has been recognized as the Spanish University with the highest number of projects approved and is one of the leading Spanish universities in Horizon2020.

UPM group’s experience in the field of Bioengineering is remarkable and has been linked to research activities in the areas of biodevices / biomedical products development, biomechanics and biomimetics, as well as to teaching tasks (Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering and Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering, within the BioTech UPM Initiative) with subjects such as “Biomechanics”, “Development of Medical Devices”, “Smart Materials in Medical Devices” and “Bioengineering Design”.