UBORA e-infrastructure: 3 days meeting in Tallin

By | September 3, 2017

With the objective to be ready for the upcoming UBORA design school, the teams of AgileWorks and UNIPI organized a 3 days workshop in Tallin (Estonia), for optimizing the alpha-release of the UBORA e-infrastructure. 

The UBORA e-infrastructure will guide the biomedical engineers through the design process of medical devices, following norms and standards for their certification

As in a real product development process, but empowered by the open source approach, teams of designers will define the class of their medical device, identify relevant standards before comparing various conceptual designs of their innovative device. 

The UBORA e-infrastructure will allow versioning and documentation, as well as creating a community of designers and healthcare stakeholders.

Here the first screenshot of the UBORA e-infrastructure landing page: 

Stay tuned!